
Strategies For Improving Team Productivity

August 1, 2022by Ovacom Media0

Every business has a goal or goals. Both the business owner and employees work towards achieving those set goals. In the same way, project managers and team members are interested in building team productivity. But how do they do that? Read on to see the link between habits and productivity. Furthermore, you can read up on some great strategies for improving team productivity.

Relationship between forming habits and productivity

Take small steps daily. If you have a productivity goal, you do not have to achieve it all in one great leap. You can start small. Then improve gradually in incremental steps.

After all, studies reveal that habits – or routines that people perform without thinking – can take up around 45% of a day. Thus, forming and implementing good habits can help you improve work productivity.

Strategies for improving team productivity


Here are some top strategies for improving team productivity.

Lead by example

First, you have to take the lead in actively demonstrating new behavior and changes. Essentially, the easiest way to introduce new business productivity habits in your workforce is to lead by example. Furthermore, you have to entrench this new behavior or habit within yourself first. In other words, you should be able to demonstrate these intrinsically developed changes even when no one is seemingly watching.

Co-opt influential team members

Second, you can utilize the power of peer pressure. This means that you can identify those in your team who are productivity inclined. Incidentally, they should also be quite enthusiastic about positive change. Give them the room to share their best practices with the team. Thereafter, you can document such shared sessions. Then, implement necessary productivity hacks, training, and processes.

Break big productivity goals into smaller milestones


Again, smaller victories may be easier than achieving bigger milestones. Besides, when you break larger goals into smaller chunks, everyone is more easily motivated to continue doing their best. Think about it. Psychologically, small victories can naturally result in success with your larger goal.  So, break down those responsibilities into smaller subtasks.

Give incentives


In addition, it is important to provide motivation. One way to do that is to appeal to the emotional side of your team. You ought to look beyond just the natural side. This way, you will end up providing needed momentum. Therefore, you can give incentives to make the team perform better productively. Likewise, you can offer fun rewards. This way, the process seems more like a competition.

Improve your winning formula.


Finally, you may not need an immediate overhaul of existing habits. Maybe, all you need is to tweak existing habits that work. Similarly, you can leverage them for your new habits. More so, you can blend new habits with those successful older habits. This will make the easy adoption of new habits easier. For example, you can use Email integrations with your existing Project Management Software.

Wrapping it up

Learning new ways to introduce productivity habits to your team is often necessary. Not all strategies work. However, you can pick from any of these strategies for improving team productivity. You can even combine them. Ultimately, you can become more productive and that is a good thing.


Ovacom Media

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